We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal custodians of the lands, waterways and skies of the Bunurong Peoples of the Kulin Nation where we gather, learn and grow at Aspendale Primary School.
We pay our respects to past and present Traditional Custodians and Elders of all nations, and their ongoing cultural, spiritual and educational practices.
We extend this respect to all Torres Strait Islanders and any First Nations peoples who learn or visit these grounds. We thank you for sharing and caring for the land we are learning on.
New version of the Acknowedgement of Country
Above is an updated Acknowledgment of Country that has been written in consultation with staff, students and members of our community. We recieved positive feedback and approval from our friends at the Bunurong Land Council in 2023.
Aspendale Primary School commemorated Reconciliation Week.
We understand that for many members of the APS community, this is a challenging time.
Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Now more than ever, these conversations are important to be having.
As a school, we commemorated the week by focusing on developing our sense of community and connections with a whole school event.
Our School Captains made a video during camp to commemorate the week. It starts with our school's Acknowledgement of Country. You can watch the video here.
Thank you to Gus, Surina, Warren & Edie for helping create the video. You all did an amazing job understanding the purpose of the week.
Week Three at Aspendale started with our second day of the School Review – Fieldwork Day. The Fieldwork Day is designed to hear the voices from all within our community.
The panel group ran various focus groups across the day, talking with parents and carers, students, teaching staff, the School Improvement Team and Education Support staff. We thank everyone who spoke with the panel to share their perspectives of the school. Following on from the Fieldwork Day, the panel will meet again in two weeks to set the new strategic goals for the next four years.
On conclusion of the Fieldwork Day, we were graced with a spectacular full double rainbow appearing over our new shade sail and Year 3 and 4 classrooms.
This week Cait Fletcher, Leah Macdonald and myself met with a member of the Bunurong Land Council to discuss First Nations language and culture. We will continue to work with them to strengthen the connections with the traditional owners of this land and enhance our units of inquiry to include First Nations perspectives in our teaching. Ms Fletcher and Mrs Macdonald will work with members of the Global Awareness and Respectful Relationships teams to guide this work across the school.
Last week Mr Pearce wrote about the changes in weather and the need for students to wear A.P.S school uniform items. It is important for all students to wear our lovely school uniform as this promotes school pride and connectedness. Please ensure these are labelled, so in the event that they are misplaced we will be able to return to the correct owner. With the change in the weather, we are seeing an increase in the number of students absent due to illness. We appreciate families that are keeping students’ home when they are unwell, reducing the spread of any illness. Please remember to report your child’s absence to the school via Sentral, by calling the office or by emailing the class teacher.
Reminder that we have Mother’s Day Afternoon, tomorrow, Friday 12th starting with a choir performance in the courtyard at 2:15pm and then Grandparents Morning on Tuesday 16th May. Please continue reading for further information.
Amelia Busuttil
Event | Date |
Last Day - early dismissal | 20th December Year 6 Final Assembly starts at 12pm Early finish at 1pm |
Event | Date |
Student Free Day | 28th January |
Student's first Day | 29th January 2025 |
It’s so much fun in Year One!
Here in Year One, students have been exploring the central idea ‘Change influences the way we live’ under the theme of Where We Are in Place and Time.
Our children were keen to explore events and inventions that happened ‘a long, long time ago’, which has helped us to develop an understanding of what is ‘old’. We took a giant step back in time, exploring changes that have occurred over the last century and considering how these changes impact our day to day lives – in particular, the way we play, learn, communicate and dress.
We participated in an amazing incursion experience called ‘Toys through Time’, where we had the opportunity to explore, play with and learn about a huge range of toys that have been popular and played with throughout the last 100 years. Like, did you know that marbles were originally made by rolling clay into balls and then drying them in the sun? Or that the slinky was invented by accident in an attempt to make a spring? Cool huh!
We can’t wait to learn more about life for children in the past when we venture to Coal Creek later in the term.
The Year 5 students had visitors from the State Parliament of Victoria who helped create a mock parliamentary chamber.
They participated in a role play to become familiar with the processes and protocols of parliament. After the visit, our students have continued to set up their own mock parliaments to debate current issues and follow the processes to pass each bill.I went to the gardening club today and I had lots of fun. Today we harvested the green tomatoes off of the vines. After we then dug up all the weeds and planted some new plants.
It was good to see lots of students come along to water the new plants, while the others put some fertilizer on the garden bed.Dear families in Yr’s 5 & 6,
The Term 2 School Working Bee will be held on Saturday 3rd June at 10.30am for the parents and students in your child’s class
Each term the Buildings and Grounds Sub-committee of the School Council organises a working bee aligned to 1 or 2 levels of the school. You are asked to attend just one Working Bee each year. Any amount of time you can contribute will be greatly appreciated, even one hour would be great, as a number of labour-intensive tasks are planned for these mornings. It’s also a great way to catch up with the other Year 5 & 6 parents!
The convenor for this Working Bee will be Kevin Riant .Please see Kevin upon your arrival, to go through the OHS Volunteer Induction.
Light Refreshments will be provided at 12:30pm for all adults and children!
Aspendale Primary School is a child safe organisation which welcomes all children, young people and their families.
We are committed to providing environments where our students are safe and feel safe, where their participation is valued, their views respected, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Our child safe policies, strategies and practices are inclusive of the needs of all children and students.
We have no tolerance for child abuse and take proactive steps to identify and manage any risks of harm to students in our school environments.
We promote positive relationships between students and adults and between students and their peers. These relationships are based on trust and respect.
We take proactive steps to identify and manage any risk of harm to students in our school environment. When child safety concerns are raised or identified, we treat these seriously and respond promptly and thoroughly.
Particular attention is given to the child safety needs of Aboriginal students, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, international students, students with disabilities, those unable to live at home, children and young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) and other students experiencing risk or vulnerability. Inappropriate or harmful behaviour targeting students based on these or other characteristics, such as racism or homophobia, are not tolerated at our school, and any instances identified will be addressed with appropriate consequences.
Child safety is a shared responsibility. Every person involved in our school has an important role in promoting child safety and wellbeing and promptly raising any issues or concerns about a child’s safety.
We are committed to regularly reviewing our child safe practices, and seeking input from our students, families, staff, and volunteers to inform our ongoing strategies.
Click here to view our school Policies