
Term 2 Week 5

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal custodians of the lands, waterways and skies of the Bunurong Peoples of the Kulin Nation where we gather, learn and grow at Aspendale Primary School.

We pay our respects to past and present Traditional Custodians and Elders of all nations,  and their ongoing cultural, spiritual and educational practices.  

We extend this respect to all Torres Strait Islanders and any First Nations peoples who learn or visit these grounds. We thank you for sharing and caring for the land we are learning on.

New version of the Acknowedgement of Country
Above is an updated Acknowledgment of Country that has been written in consultation with staff, students and members of our community. We recieved positive feedback and approval from our friends at the Bunurong Land Council in 2023. 

Aspendale Primary School commemorated Reconciliation Week.
We understand that for many members of the APS community, this is a challenging time.

Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Now more than ever, these conversations are important to be having. 

As a school, we commemorated the week by focusing on developing our sense of community and connections with a whole school event. 

Our School Captains made a video during camp to commemorate the week. It starts with our school's Acknowledgement of Country. You can watch the video here. 

Thank you to Gus, Surina, Warren & Edie for helping create the video. You all did an amazing job understanding the purpose of the week. 

Important Dates

Important dates: 2024 Calendar 
Last Day - early dismissal20th December
Year 6 Final Assembly starts at 12pm
Early finish at 1pm

2025 Calendar 
Student Free Day 28th January 
Student's first Day 29th January 2025

Reconciliation Week 2024

Aspendale Primary School commemorated Reconciliation Week.
We understand that for many members of the APS community, this is a challenging time.

Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Now more than ever, these conversations are important to be having. 

As a school, we commemorated the week by focusing on developing our sense of community and connections with a whole school event. 

Our School Captains made a video during camp to commemorate the week. It starts with our school's Acknowledgement of Country. You can watch the video here. 

Thank you to Gus, Surina, Warren & Edie for helping create the video. You all did an amazing job understanding the purpose of the week. 

Students have have had challenging conversations, explored videos and learnt about the impact of historical decisions. Accross the school, year levels have been talking about Reconciliation and what it means today. Year 5&6 have been learning about the 1967 vote, Mabo and the aftermath of Stolen Generations. Year 6 Maths has also been exploring data recorded about racism and the role of Governments in the Reconicliation process. 

Next term, we will be celebrating the amazing contributions our First Nations peoples during NAIDOC Week. 

ThinkUKnow evening night

Our school will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on 27th of May.
The event will begin at 6pm.

This event is for Parents and carers only.  The content is aimed at an adult audience. Students have already had their Protective Behaviours lessons in class.

ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation. 

We highly recommend parents and carers of students from grades 4,5 and 6 to attend.

ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

For more information, you can visit or contact our school for more information.

Click the link to inform the school if you will be attending or not.

Thank you.

A note from our Business Manager....

We would like to thank families who have paid for students to participate in their year level Enhancement Program.

This program (which includes incursions and excursions) is on a user pay basis and must be paid for the student to participate.


The office will shortly begin to contact any families who have not yet paid.

If you have not paid but wish for your student to participate in this program, please do so as soon as possible via Sentral or at the school office.

Students who are not participating in the program will have access to a free alternative activity when required.

Please note, that families that receive CSEF may request to have it applied to this fee.

Our business manager Amelia Mastorakos is available on 9580 3255 and at if you wish a confidential discussion regarding payment assistance.



Lunchtime Club programs

At APS, we are lucky to have many lunchtime Clubs organised by our COmmunnity and RR Media Leaders. Thank you to the students and teachers who run these clubs. 
Thanks too, Ms Stubbs for organising. Below are a collection of posters of some of the clubs operating accross the school. The RR Media Leaders are in the process of advertising all of the clubs!

Cystic Fibrosis- Raising Awareness

Aspendale Arrows Community announcement